EC3 is launching a new promotion.
The NWA star announced that the Exodus Pro promotion will present its inaugural event, “The Journey Home”, on August 12. The show will be held at The Space in Cleveland, Ohio.
In a post on Instagram, EC3 wrote that “Exodus:Pro will debut August 12th 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio. It will feature the rising talent from the @controlyournarrative #CoOperative, current stars both local and from television, while being open for aspiring talents to take the #Journey here to #invest in themselves.”
The advertisement for the promotion notes that the debut show will be headlined by EC3, and Exodus Promo “intends to be a family friendly, community based, and fan enthused promotion. ExoPro’s ideals will be based on the traditions of wrestling’s past with the heightened competition and evolution of today. Their purpose is to highlight the stars of today while becoming a proving ground for the stars of tomorrow.”
EC3 will also hold a seminar, titled the Preface II, under the Control Your Narrative branding, on August 11, and talent will have the chance to earn a spot on the Exodus Pro debut show.
WrestleZone will provide more information as it becomes available.
EC3 recently relinquished the NWA National Heavyweight Championship, and he will challenge Tyrus for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship at NWA 75.