November 11th is Veterans' Day! The federal holiday marks the perf time to show our appreciation to all the men and women who have fought for our country, and all those who are currently active in the miliary. Put on your reds, whites and blues, and let a vet know how much you appreciate all the joys of freedom for which they fought so tirelessly. Here are just a couple of ways to say thanks for their hard work and sacrifice.
1. Write thank you letters to send overseas or to a veteran organization. The people at Operation Gratitude make it easy!
2. Organize a fundraiser. The Wounded Warrior Project has tons of resources for teens who want to help. You can talk to your school's principal about scheduling a bake sale, car wash, etc.
3. Are you a knitting queen? Grab some yarn and make scarves to hand out at a nursing home for vets.
4. Fly a flag in your front yard or in your window for the whole neighborhood to see.
5. Listen respectfully. You never want to pressure a veteran to talk, but if a vet wants to share, show respect by listening to his or her story.
6. Attend a Veteran's Day ceremony or parade. Check your community’s website for info.
7. Send gifts to hospitalized veterans. Baked goods and homemade cards are sure to brighten their day.
8. Have a neighbor who’s a veteran? Ask your parents if you can invite them over for dinner.
9. Make a T-shirt expressing your gratitude and sport it around town. That way, even those who you don’t realize are veterans still get the message.
10. Offer to babysit free of charge for a military family.
11. Say it! The next time you see a uniformed soldier, a simple “thanks for your service” is sure to make them feel appreciated. They deserve it.
How do you celebrate the veterans in your life? Share in the comments below!