Damani Whitlock Dad Major Whitlock Also Played Basketball

Damani Whitlock dad Major Whitlock was a basketball coach at Mt. San Antonio College Men's Basketball. Major now drives trucks around the country. According to the Last Chance U: Basketball season 2 cast, his father trained in various cities for his basketball career, including Pasadena City, West LA, Mount SAC, and Oxnard. Nowadays, he serves

Damani Whitlock dad Major Whitlock was a basketball coach at Mt. San Antonio College Men's Basketball. Major now drives trucks around the country.

According to the Last Chance U: Basketball season 2 cast, his father trained in various cities for his basketball career, including Pasadena City, West LA, Mount SAC, and Oxnard. Nowadays, he serves as a truck driver. 

Major drove a truck across the nation and dropped off loads. Nonetheless, he supports his son during the season. Even his father worked out with him without choosing the team. He just tried to help his son and give him tips and pointers related to sports. 

Ultimately, Whitlock's father tried to make sure his kid could be the best player he could be. He coached him when he always sat around his gym. 

During his game, he asked about Cal Poly Pomona, and the player mentioned it got a good program. However, he replied it was not so much, so he chose D2 the first time. 

Even his father thought civil engineering was the perfect school for his game. The contestant even decided to be with his father after he separated from his mother. 

As a result, Whitlock used to be with his teammates, whereas his father slept at one of the schools in the office gym or his car.

Sometimes, he found the apartments and stuff like that for few times but not for a long time.  

