Paths of Glory Historical Setup

Designer's Note: Paths of Glory was designed to allow players to explore a broad range of strategies. As a result, while it is certainly possible that a game of PoG will follow the broad outlines of WWI as it happened, it is also possible it will go off in quite different directions. In part that

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Designer's Note:

Paths of Glory was designed to allow players to explore a broad range of strategies. As a result, while it is certainly possible that a game of PoG will follow the broad outlines of WWI as it happened, it is also possible it will go off in quite different directions. In part that is because certain events that happened during the war (the entry of the US and the Bolshevik Revolution) were inherently improbable. And in part because I chose not to clutter the design with the sort of historical restrictions I used in The Great War in Europe (dealing with Italy for example).

Most gamers are happy with PoG as is, but some feel that a game that fails to regularly produce Yanks on the western front or the Bolsheviks in Petrograd, or that is decided in Italy, is lacking as a simulation of the Great War. For those gamers, or those who simply want another PoG scenario, I present Historical PoG.

  • Set-up using the complete optional set-up.
  • The CP Player must open with Guns of August as an Event.
  • Entrench may not be played as an Event on Turn 1.
  • Only Austrian and Italian armies may operate in Italy (move, attack, or advance into any space in Italy) and no German armies may end their movement (OPS or SR) in Trent, Villach or Trieste until the start of a turn at which both sides are at Total War.
  • The following cards may double as OPS when played as Events: Landships, Zimmermann Telegram, Over There, Tsar Takes Command, Fall of the Tsar, Bolshevik Revolution.
  • If the game ends with an Armistice or at the end of turn 20, add 1 VP for each US Army not currently on the map or in the deadpile.
  • If the game ends with an Armistice or at the end of turn 20, subtract 2 VP if the Tsar has not fallen.
  • Use the optional 8 card-hand.

