The most exciting time of year for any Teamfight Tactics player is when Riot Games releases a new set. After getting Set 8 for last year’s holiday season, TFT will offer its first new set of 2023 with Set 8.5. This mid-set should give a fresh recolor to the Monsters Attack! theme. Whether there are even more heroes, villains, or something more powerful looming on the horizon, fans can’t wait to see what Set 8.5 will bring and when. Here is what you need to know about Teamfight Tactics and Set 8.5’s start date.
TFT Set 8.5 PBE and official release date
Luckily, Set 8.5 of TFT is not far off at all. The PBE version of the set opens as early as March 8, with March 22 set as the official public release. So, if you have anything else to finish on your Battle Pass or more games to grind to reach Platinum rank, you have but a month to get all that squared away. There’s no going back once Set 8.5 hits.
Much like all other mid-set releases, Set 8.5 comes roughly 3-4 months after the initial set. So, once March arrives, make sure to dive straight into Set 8.5. The set will likely only last until June before Set 9 takes over for the summer (possible Pool Party theme, anyone?).
What’s new about TFT Set 8.5?
Every mid-set reset involves the replacement of about 20 champions as well as a slight reboot of the set’s theme. So, with Set 8: Monsters Attack!, we’ll likely still have Hero-like Augments floating around. However, things will likely change up some. For example, Hero Augments could now become Villain Augments in Set 8.5.
Related: How does the Threat trait work in Teamfight Tactics?
Considering the transition from Set 7 to Set 7.5 gave players even more dragons, it’d make sense if we got even more monsters or villains. As much as fans can speculate, though, no one will officially know all of Set 8.5’s exciting new secrets until the set ends up on the PBE on March 8.
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Stephanie Roehler
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