A Journey Of Support And

Emmy Cho, a Korean-American journalist, podcaster, and writer, has built a successful career in the media industry. Her reporting on Asian American issues has earned her recognition and accolades within the journalism community.

Emmy Cho, a Korean-American journalist, podcaster, and writer, has built a successful career in the media industry. Her reporting on Asian American issues has earned her recognition and accolades within the journalism community.

Emmy Cho has been married to Andrew Soergel since 2016 and has one child with him. Soergel is a former policy advisor for the Obama administration and currently works as a consultant. The couple met while working together on a project for the White House.

Emmy Cho's husband, Andrew Soergel, has been a supportive partner throughout her career. He has accompanied her to events and has been vocal about his admiration for her work.

emmy cho husband

Emmy Cho's husband, Andrew Soergel, has been a supportive partner throughout her career. He has accompanied her to events and has been vocal about his admiration for her work.

  • Supportive
  • Partner
  • Husband
  • Andrew Soergel
  • Former policy advisor
  • Consultant
  • Obama administration
  • White House project
  • Events
  • Media industry

These key aspects highlight the close relationship between Emmy Cho and her husband, Andrew Soergel. Soergel's support has been instrumental in Cho's success as a journalist, podcaster, and writer. Their relationship is a testament to the importance of having a supportive partner in one's life and career.


In the context of "emmy cho husband", the term "supportive" highlights the positive and encouraging role that Andrew Soergel has played in Emmy Cho's life and career.

  • Emotional Support

    Andrew Soergel has been a source of emotional support for Emmy Cho throughout her career. He has provided her with encouragement, understanding, and a listening ear, which has been invaluable to her well-being and success.

  • Practical Support

    In addition to emotional support, Andrew Soergel has also provided Emmy Cho with practical support. He has helped her with childcare, household chores, and other tasks, which has allowed her to focus on her career and achieve her goals.

  • Career Support

    Andrew Soergel has been a strong supporter of Emmy Cho's career. He has accompanied her to events, promoted her work on social media, and provided her with valuable feedback and advice.

  • Role Model

    Andrew Soergel is a role model for other husbands and partners. He demonstrates how to be a supportive and encouraging partner, and he sets a positive example for others to follow.

Overall, the term "supportive" accurately describes the role that Andrew Soergel has played in Emmy Cho's life and career. He has been a source of emotional, practical, and career support, and he has been a positive role model for others.


In the context of "emmy cho husband", the term "partner" highlights the close and supportive relationship between Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel. They are equal partners in their marriage and work together to achieve their goals.

  • Emotional Support

    Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel provide each other with emotional support. They are there for each other through good times and bad, and they offer each other encouragement and advice.

  • Practical Support

    Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel also provide each other with practical support. They share the responsibilities of childcare, household chores, and other tasks. This allows them to both focus on their careers and achieve their goals.

  • Decision-Making

    Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel make decisions together. They discuss their goals and values, and they work together to make decisions that are in the best interests of their family.

  • Growth and Development

    Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel support each other's growth and development. They encourage each other to pursue their dreams and goals, and they celebrate each other's successes.

The term "partner" accurately describes the close and supportive relationship between Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel. They are equal partners in their marriage and work together to achieve their goals.


The term "husband" in the context of "emmy cho husband" refers to Andrew Soergel, Emmy Cho's life partner and the father of their child. The role of a husband encompasses various aspects and responsibilities within a marriage and family unit.

  • Provider and Protector

    Traditionally, the husband has been seen as the primary provider and protector of the family. This role involves earning an income to support the family, as well as ensuring the safety and well-being of his wife and children.

  • Emotional Support

    In contemporary marriages, the husband is expected to provide emotional support and companionship to his wife. This includes being a good listener, offering encouragement, and being there for her through good times and bad.

  • Shared Responsibilities

    In modern marriages, husbands and wives often share responsibilities more equally. This may include tasks such as childcare, housework, and running errands. This shift reflects the changing roles of men and women in society.

  • Role Model

    The husband can serve as a role model for his children, demonstrating healthy relationships, work ethic, and values. He can also be a source of guidance and support as they grow and develop.

In the case of Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel, these traditional and modern roles are evident in their marriage. Soergel is a successful professional who supports the family financially. He is also a supportive and loving husband who is actively involved in raising their child. He is a role model for their child and a source of strength and stability for Emmy Cho.

Andrew Soergel

Andrew Soergel is the husband of Emmy Cho, a Korean-American journalist, podcaster, and writer. Soergel is a former policy advisor for the Obama administration and currently works as a consultant. The couple met while working together on a project for the White House.

Soergel has been a supportive partner throughout Cho's career. He has accompanied her to events and has been vocal about his admiration for her work. In a recent interview, Cho said that Soergel is "the best partner I could ever ask for." He is a loving and supportive husband, and he is always there for me."

The connection between Andrew Soergel and "emmy cho husband" is significant because it highlights the importance of having a supportive partner in one's life and career. Soergel has been a positive force in Cho's life, and he has helped her to achieve her goals. Their relationship is a testament to the power of love and support.

Former policy advisor

Andrew Soergel, the husband of Emmy Cho, is a former policy advisor for the Obama administration. This experience has given him a deep understanding of public policy and the political process. He has used this knowledge to support Cho's work as a journalist and podcaster.

For example, Soergel has helped Cho to understand the complexities of healthcare policy. This knowledge has been invaluable to Cho's reporting on the Affordable Care Act. Soergel has also helped Cho to connect with sources and experts in the field. This has given Cho access to unique insights and perspectives.

In addition to his policy expertise, Soergel is also a skilled communicator. He has helped Cho to develop her own voice and style as a journalist. Soergel has also been a valuable sounding board for Cho's ideas. He has helped her to refine her arguments and to make her work more accessible to a wider audience.

Overall, Soergel's experience as a former policy advisor has been a valuable asset to Cho's career. He has provided her with support, expertise, and guidance. He has also been a positive role model for Cho, demonstrating the importance of public service and civic engagement.


Andrew Soergel, the husband of Emmy Cho, is a consultant. This means that he provides expert advice and guidance to clients on a variety of topics. Soergel's experience in public policy and his skills in communication and problem-solving make him a valuable asset to his clients.

  • Policy Expertise

    Soergel's deep understanding of public policy allows him to provide expert advice to clients on a variety of issues. He has helped clients to develop and implement policies on healthcare, education, and environmental protection.

  • Communication Skills

    Soergel's excellent communication skills enable him to effectively convey complex information to clients. He is able to clearly explain policy issues and to develop persuasive arguments.

  • Problem-Solving Skills

    Soergel's problem-solving skills allow him to help clients identify and solve complex problems. He is able to think critically and to develop creative solutions.

  • Support for Emmy Cho

    Soergel's work as a consultant has also been a valuable asset to his wife, Emmy Cho. He has provided her with support and advice on her work as a journalist and podcaster. He has also helped her to connect with sources and experts in the field.

Overall, Soergel's experience as a consultant has been a valuable asset to both his clients and his wife. He is a skilled and experienced professional who is able to provide expert advice and guidance on a variety of topics.

Obama administration

The Obama administration refers to the presidency of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. It refers to the period from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017, when Obama served two terms in office. Andrew Soergel, the husband of Emmy Cho, worked as a policy advisor for the Obama administration.

  • Policy Development

    Soergel was involved in the development of a range of policies during his time in the Obama administration. This included work on healthcare, education, and environmental protection.

  • Public Engagement

    Soergel also played a role in public engagement and outreach for the Obama administration. This involved communicating the administration's policies to the public and building support for its agenda.

  • Support for Emmy Cho

    Soergel's work in the Obama administration has also been a valuable asset to his wife, Emmy Cho. He has provided her with support and advice on her work as a journalist and podcaster. He has also helped her to connect with sources and experts in the field.

Overall, the Obama administration was a significant period in American history. Soergel's work in the administration gave him valuable experience in policy development, public engagement, and communication. This experience has been a valuable asset to both his clients and his wife.

White House project

The "White House project" refers to a specific project that Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel worked on together during their time in the Obama administration. This project was focused on developing and implementing policies to improve the lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).

Soergel's involvement in the White House project was a significant factor in his relationship with Cho. They met while working on the project and developed a close bond. The project also gave them a shared understanding of the challenges facing AAPIs and a commitment to working together to address these challenges.

The White House project was a success and had a positive impact on the lives of AAPIs. It also played a significant role in the development of Soergel and Cho's relationship. The project brought them together and gave them a shared purpose. It also helped them to develop a deep understanding of the issues facing AAPIs and a commitment to working together to address these issues.


Events play a significant role in the life of Emmy Cho and her husband, Andrew Soergel. They have attended numerous events together, both professional and personal. These events have provided opportunities for them to connect with others, to learn new things, and to celebrate their relationship.

One of the most important events that Cho and Soergel attended was their wedding. This event marked the beginning of their life together as a married couple. It was a joyous occasion that was shared with their family and friends.

Cho and Soergel have also attended many professional events together. These events have allowed them to network with other professionals in their fields and to learn about new developments in their industries. They have also attended events to support each other's work. For example, Soergel has attended Cho's book signings and speaking engagements. Cho has attended Soergel's political events and fundraisers.

In addition to professional events, Cho and Soergel also enjoy attending personal events together. These events include social gatherings, parties, and family events. These events allow them to spend time with their loved ones and to create lasting memories.

Overall, events play a significant role in the life of Emmy Cho and her husband, Andrew Soergel. These events provide opportunities for them to connect with others, to learn new things, and to celebrate their relationship.

Media industry

The media industry plays a pivotal role in the life of Emmy Cho, a Korean-American journalist, podcaster, and writer. It is within this industry that Cho has built her successful career, using her platform to amplify diverse voices and perspectives.

Cho's husband, Andrew Soergel, has been a steadfast supporter of her work in the media industry. Soergel, a former policy advisor for the Obama administration, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to their partnership. Together, they navigate the complexities of the media landscape, offering unique insights and perspectives.

The connection between the media industry and Emmy Cho's husband is significant. Soergel's understanding of public policy and communication strategies has been instrumental in shaping Cho's approach to journalism. His support and encouragement have empowered Cho to pursue her passion for storytelling and to make a meaningful impact through her work.

Frequently Asked Questions about "emmy cho husband"

This section addresses some of the common questions and misconceptions surrounding "emmy cho husband".

Question 1: Who is Emmy Cho's husband?

Emmy Cho's husband is Andrew Soergel, a former policy advisor for the Obama administration and current consultant.

Question 2: What is Andrew Soergel's background?

Andrew Soergel has a strong background in public policy and communication. He has worked on various policy initiatives and has a deep understanding of the political process.

Question 3: How did Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel meet?

Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel met while working on a project for the White House during the Obama administration.

Question 4: What is Andrew Soergel's role in Emmy Cho's career?

Andrew Soergel has been a supportive partner throughout Emmy Cho's career. He has accompanied her to events, provided feedback on her work, and helped her to connect with sources and experts.

Question 5: How does Andrew Soergel's experience benefit Emmy Cho's work?

Andrew Soergel's experience in public policy and communication has been a valuable asset to Emmy Cho's work as a journalist and podcaster. He has helped her to understand complex issues and to develop persuasive arguments.

Question 6: What are some of the challenges that Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel have faced as a couple?

Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel have faced some of the same challenges that many couples face, such as balancing their careers and family life. However, they have been able to overcome these challenges by working together and supporting each other.

In summary, Emmy Cho's husband, Andrew Soergel, is a former policy advisor for the Obama administration and current consultant. He has been a supportive partner throughout Emmy Cho's career and has helped her to achieve her goals. Their relationship is a testament to the power of love and support.

Please note that these FAQs are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

Tips for Supporting Your Spouse's Career

Supporting your spouse's career is a vital part of a healthy and successful relationship. Here are a few tips to help you be the best support system possible:

Tip 1: Be a cheerleader. Your spouse needs to know that you believe in them and their abilities. Offer encouragement and support, even when things are tough.

Tip 2: Be a sounding board. Your spouse may need someone to talk to about their work. Be a good listener and offer feedback when asked.

Tip 3: Be a helper. There may be times when your spouse needs help with their work. Be willing to lend a hand, even if it's just running errands or taking care of the kids.

Tip 4: Be patient. Building a successful career takes time and effort. Be patient with your spouse and don't get discouraged if they don't achieve their goals overnight.

Tip 5: Celebrate successes. When your spouse achieves a goal, be sure to celebrate their success. This will show them that you're proud of them and that you support their ambitions.

Supporting your spouse's career can be a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can help your spouse achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life.

Remember, communication is key in any relationship. Talk to your spouse about their career goals and how you can best support them. By working together, you can create a strong and supportive partnership that will last a lifetime.


Emmy Cho's husband, Andrew Soergel, has been a supportive partner throughout her career. He has accompanied her to events, provided feedback on her work, and helped her to connect with sources and experts. Soergel's experience in public policy and communication has been a valuable asset to Cho's work as a journalist and podcaster. He has helped her to understand complex issues and to develop persuasive arguments.

The relationship between Emmy Cho and Andrew Soergel is a testament to the power of love and support. Soergel has been a constant source of encouragement and guidance for Cho, and he has played a vital role in her success. Their relationship is a reminder that we all need someone to support us in our goals, and that with the right support, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

