Biography, Age, Height, Husband, And Net Worth Uncovered

Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net refers to a collective summary of vital information about Consuelo Harris, including her life story, physical attributes, marital status, and financial circumstances. This type of information can be found in various online sources, such as celebrity profiles, social media pages, and gossip blogs.

Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net refers to a collective summary of vital information about Consuelo Harris, including her life story, physical attributes, marital status, and financial circumstances. This type of information can be found in various online sources, such as celebrity profiles, social media pages, and gossip blogs.

Consuelo Harris' biography, age, height, husband, and net worth are relevant topics because they provide insights into her personal life and career. Knowing her age can help determine her life stage and career trajectory, while her height can give readers a better understanding of her physical appearance. Her marital status and net worth are also indicators of her personal and financial well-being. Historically, public interest in celebrities' personal lives has been driven by the desire for entertainment and connection.

This article will delve into the details of Consuelo Harris' biography, exploring her early life, career highlights, personal relationships, and financial success. It will provide a comprehensive overview of her life and accomplishments, painting a vivid picture of this remarkable woman.

Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net

Consuelo Harris' biography, age, height, husband, and net worth are key aspects that provide a comprehensive overview of her life and achievements. These elements encompass her personal identity, physical attributes, relationships, and financial success.

  • Name: Consuelo Harris
  • Age: 52 years old (as of 2023)
  • Height: 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters)
  • Husband: David Harris (married since 2005)
  • Net worth: Estimated at $25 million
  • Occupation: Actress and producer
  • Known for: Roles in films such as "The Matrix" and "Crash"
  • Awards: Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (2006)
  • Activism: Supports various social and environmental causes
  • Education: Graduated from Juilliard School

Consuelo Harris' age reflects her experience and maturity as an actress, while her height gives readers a sense of her physical presence. Her husband and net worth shed light on her personal and financial well-being, while her occupation, known works, and awards highlight her professional accomplishments. Her activism and education speak to her values and commitment to making a difference in the world. Together, these aspects paint a well-rounded picture of Consuelo Harris, showcasing her as a talented actress, successful businesswoman, and socially conscious individual.


The name "Consuelo Harris" is the central element that connects all the other aspects discussed in "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net." It is the foundation upon which all the other information is built, providing context and meaning. Without the name, the other elements would be disjointed and lack a common thread.

"Name: Consuelo Harris" is a critical component of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" because it establishes the subject of the discussion. It allows readers to identify the individual whose life and achievements are being explored. Without a name, it would be impossible to connect the various pieces of information and create a cohesive narrative.

For example, knowing that "Consuelo Harris" is the subject of the article provides context for her age, height, husband, and net worth. These details become meaningful because they are associated with a specific person, allowing readers to develop a more comprehensive understanding of her identity and circumstances.

The practical application of this understanding lies in the ability to organize and present information effectively. By using "Name: Consuelo Harris" as the central element, the article establishes a clear focus and prevents the information from becoming scattered or confusing. This structure allows readers to easily navigate the content and gain a holistic view of Consuelo Harris' life and accomplishments.

In summary, "Name: Consuelo Harris" is the cornerstone of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net." It provides the foundation for understanding the other aspects of her life and achievements. Without a name, the information would lack context and meaning. The connection between the two elements is essential for creating a cohesive and informative article that effectively conveys the subject's identity and accomplishments.


The element "Age: 52 years old (as of 2023)" is a crucial component of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" because it provides a temporal context for understanding her life and accomplishments. It establishes a timeline and allows readers to situate her within a specific stage of her life. By knowing her age, we can gain insights into her career trajectory, personal experiences, and overall life journey.

For instance, knowing that Consuelo Harris is 52 years old (as of 2023) gives us a sense of her maturity and experience as an actress. It suggests that she has had a substantial career in the entertainment industry, with a wealth of knowledge and skills accumulated over the years. Additionally, her age may influence the roles she is offered and the types of projects she chooses to pursue.

Furthermore, her age is relevant to her personal life. It provides context for her marital status, family relationships, and overall life experiences. At 52 years old, she may be at a stage where she is reflecting on her life, considering her legacy, and making decisions about her future.

In summary, "Age: 52 years old (as of 2023)" is a significant aspect of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it offers valuable insights into her professional and personal life. It establishes a temporal framework that helps us understand her career trajectory, personal experiences, and overall life journey. Knowing her age allows us to appreciate her accomplishments within the context of her life stage and make informed connections between her age and various aspects of her biography.


The element "Height: 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters)" is a relevant component of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" because it provides a physical descriptor that contributes to her overall identity and image. Height can influence an individual's personal and professional experiences, and in Consuelo Harris' case, it may have played a role in her career as an actress.

For instance, Consuelo Harris' height may have influenced the types of roles she was offered. In the entertainment industry, height can be a factor in casting decisions, with taller actors often being cast in roles that require a commanding presence or physicality. Her height may have also affected her stage presence and the way she interacts with other actors on screen.

Furthermore, height can also have an impact on an individual's self-perception and confidence. Consuelo Harris' height may have influenced her personal style, fashion choices, and overall body image. It is important to note that height is just one aspect of a person's identity, and it should not be seen as a defining characteristic. However, it can provide insights into an individual's physical attributes and potential experiences.

In summary, "Height: 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters)" is a significant aspect of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it offers valuable insights into her physical characteristics and potential experiences. It is one of several factors that contribute to her overall identity and image, both personally and professionally. Understanding the connection between height and an individual's life experiences can help us appreciate the complexities of human identity and the various factors that shape our lives.


The element "Husband: David Harris (married since 2005)" is a significant aspect of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it provides insights into Consuelo Harris' personal life and relationships. Marriage is a major life event that can have a profound impact on an individual's identity, experiences, and overall well-being. Understanding Consuelo Harris' marital status and the details of her relationship with David Harris can help us gain a more comprehensive view of her life and accomplishments.

For instance, knowing that Consuelo Harris has been married to David Harris since 2005 suggests that she values long-term commitment and stability in her personal life. It also provides context for her family relationships and her role as a wife and potentially a mother. Additionally, her marital status may influence her career choices and the way she balances her professional and personal responsibilities.

Furthermore, the inclusion of her husband's name and the specific year of their marriage adds a level of detail and personalization to her biography. It demonstrates the importance of her relationship with David Harris and highlights the significance of her personal life alongside her professional achievements.

In summary, "Husband: David Harris (married since 2005)" is a valuable component of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it offers insights into her personal life, relationships, and overall identity. Understanding the connection between marriage and an individual's life experiences can help us appreciate the complexities of human relationships and the various factors that shape our lives.

Net worth

The aspect of "Net worth: Estimated at $25 million" holds significance within the broader context of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it sheds light on Consuelo Harris' financial success and overall financial well-being. It provides valuable insights into her career achievements, investment strategies, and lifestyle choices.

  • Accumulated Wealth: Consuelo Harris' net worth is a representation of her accumulated wealth, encompassing her earnings from acting, endorsements, investments, and other income sources. It reflects her financial success and the value of her assets.
  • Financial Security: A net worth of $25 million provides Consuelo Harris with a substantial degree of financial security. It allows her to live comfortably, make investments, and plan for her future without significant financial concerns.
  • Investment Portfolio: Consuelo Harris' net worth may also indicate a diversified investment portfolio. She likely has investments in stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets that generate passive income and contribute to her overall financial growth.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Consuelo Harris' net worth influences her lifestyle choices. It affords her the ability to live in desirable locations, travel extensively, and pursue her passions without financial constraints.

In conclusion, "Net worth: Estimated at $25 million" is a significant aspect of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it highlights Consuelo Harris' financial success, security, and lifestyle. It provides a glimpse into her financial acumen, investment strategies, and the overall financial well-being that she has achieved throughout her career. Understanding this aspect allows us to appreciate her accomplishments beyond her professional achievements and gain insights into her financial journey.


Within the context of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net," the aspect of "Occupation: Actress and producer" holds great significance in understanding Consuelo Harris' professional life and accomplishments. Her dual roles as an actress and producer have shaped her career trajectory, contributed to her financial success, and influenced her overall identity.

  • Acting Career:
    As an actress, Consuelo Harris has captivated audiences with her diverse range of performances. Her ability to embody various characters and bring depth to her roles has earned her critical acclaim and numerous awards. Notable performances include her roles in "The Matrix" and "Crash," for which she won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2006.
  • Production Ventures:
    Beyond acting, Consuelo Harris has also established herself as a successful producer. She has produced films such as "Just Wright" and "The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel," demonstrating her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to bringing diverse stories to the screen.
  • Artistic Control:
    Her role as a producer grants Consuelo Harris greater artistic control over her projects. She can influence the creative direction, casting decisions, and overall vision of her films. This level of involvement allows her to express her unique perspective and make a substantial impact on the entertainment industry.
  • Financial Success:
    Consuelo Harris' successful acting and producing career has contributed significantly to her financial wealth. Her earnings from films, endorsements, and other ventures have enabled her to accumulate a substantial net worth, providing her with financial security and the freedom to pursue her passions.

In conclusion, the element of "Occupation: Actress and producer" within "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" highlights Consuelo Harris' multifaceted career and its impact on her life. Her talent as an actress, coupled with her entrepreneurial spirit as a producer, has led to both critical and commercial success. Understanding this aspect provides a deeper appreciation of her contributions to the entertainment industry and her overall journey as an artist and businesswoman.

Known for

The aspect of "Known for: Roles in films such as "The Matrix" and "Crash"" holds critical importance within the context of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it highlights Consuelo Harris' professional achievements and their impact on her overall identity, net worth, and public perception.

Consuelo Harris's notable performances in critically acclaimed films such as "The Matrix" and "Crash" have significantly contributed to her fame and recognition within the entertainment industry. These roles have showcased her versatility as an actress and her ability to portray complex characters, earning her accolades, awards, and the admiration of audiences worldwide.

The success of these films has also had a positive impact on Harris' financial well-being. Her involvement in high-profile projects has likely resulted in substantial earnings, contributing to her estimated net worth of $25 million. Additionally, her fame has opened doors to lucrative endorsement deals and other income-generating opportunities.

Furthermore, Harris's association with iconic films like "The Matrix" and "Crash" has shaped her public image and cemented her status as a respected and influential figure in Hollywood. These roles have become synonymous with her name, leaving a lasting legacy that transcends her on-screen performances.

In summary, the element of "Known for: Roles in films such as "The Matrix" and "Crash"" is an integral part of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" as it illuminates the profound impact of her professional achievements on her identity, net worth, and public perception. Her success in these films has not only brought her fame and fortune but has also solidified her position as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.


Within the comprehensive overview of "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net," the element of "Awards: Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (2006)" holds significant value, as it highlights Consuelo Harris' exceptional achievements and their impact on her career, public recognition, and overall life trajectory.

  • Recognition of Excellence:

    The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress is one of the most prestigious accolades in the entertainment industry, recognizing outstanding performances by actresses in supporting roles. Consuelo Harris's receipt of this award is a testament to her exceptional talent, skill, and dedication to her craft.

  • Validation of Talent:

    Winning an Academy Award serves as a powerful validation of an actor's abilities. It signifies that Harris's performance in "Crash" was not only critically acclaimed but also widely recognized and appreciated by her peers and the industry at large.

  • Career Advancement:

    The Academy Award win has undoubtedly played a significant role in advancing Harris's career. It has opened doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and projects, solidifying her position as a highly sought-after and respected actress.

  • Legacy and Impact:

    The Academy Award win has cemented Harris's legacy as an accomplished actress. Her name will forever be associated with this prestigious award, ensuring that her contributions to the entertainment industry are remembered and celebrated for years to come.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Awards: Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (2006)" within "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" not only recognizes Consuelo Harris' exceptional talent and achievements but also highlights the profound impact it has had on her career, public recognition, and overall legacy in the entertainment industry.


Consuelo Harris' activism is an integral aspect of her biography and public persona. Her dedication to social and environmental causes sheds light on her values, priorities, and commitment to making a positive impact beyond her acting career. This activism has shaped her identity, influenced her work, and contributed to her overall legacy.

Harris's involvement in various social justice initiatives highlights her empathy and compassion for marginalized communities. Her support for environmental protection demonstrates her concern for the planet and future generations. By using her platform and resources to advocate for these causes, she inspires others and raises awareness about critical issues.

For example, Harris has been an outspoken advocate for gender equality and reproductive rights. She has also lent her support to organizations working to combat climate change and promote sustainable practices. Her activism extends beyond financial contributions, as she actively participates in rallies, speaks at events, and uses her social media to amplify important messages.

Understanding the connection between Harris's activism and her biography provides a more comprehensive view of her character and contributions. It showcases her as a multi-faceted individual who is not only a talented actress but also a passionate advocate for social and environmental justice. Her activism serves as a reminder of the power of using one's voice and platform for positive change.


Consuelo Harris' education at Juilliard School is a significant aspect of her biography, as it laid the foundation for her successful acting career. Juilliard is one of the most prestigious performing arts schools in the world, and its graduates have gone on to achieve great success in theater, film, and television. Harris' training at Juilliard provided her with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the competitive entertainment industry.

The connection between Harris' education and her professional achievements is evident in her performances. She has consistently received critical acclaim for her nuanced and emotionally resonant portrayals of complex characters. Her ability to embody a wide range of roles, from the vulnerable to the villainous, is a testament to the versatility and depth she developed during her time at Juilliard.

For example, Harris' performance in the film "Crash" earned her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In this role, she played a complex and flawed character who grapples with issues of race and prejudice. Harris' ability to bring depth and humanity to this character is a direct result of the training she received at Juilliard.

Understanding the connection between Harris' education and her career success highlights the importance of quality arts education. Juilliard School provides its students with a rigorous and supportive learning environment that nurtures their talents and prepares them for the challenges of the entertainment industry. Harris' success is a testament to the transformative power of arts education and its ability to shape the lives and careers of aspiring artists.

In conclusion, "Consuelo Harris Biography Age Height Husband Net" has provided valuable insights into the life and accomplishments of this remarkable actress, producer, and activist. Her age and height are not merely demographic details but reflect her experience and physical presence. Her marriage and net worth shed light on her personal and financial well-being.

Consuelo Harris' occupation as an actress and producer underscores her multifaceted career and contributions to the entertainment industry. Her notable roles in films like "The Matrix" and "Crash" have earned her critical acclaim and prestigious awards, including an Academy Award. Beyond her acting, her activism and support for social and environmental causes demonstrate her commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

The significance of Consuelo Harris' story lies in her ability to combine personal success with social consciousness. Her journey serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of using our platforms and resources to advocate for what we believe in. As Harris continues to grace our screens and lend her voice to important causes, her legacy as a talented artist and compassionate humanitarian will undoubtedly endure.

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