FFXIV: Endwalker treasure map dungeons arrived with patch 6.05. Endwalker treasure map dungeons reward loot like special minions and materials to make the hottest new glamour items, when diving in with a party. Our FF14 Endwalker treasure map locations guide will show where to find all the Endwalker map locations.
You do not need to finish FF14: Endwalker to participate in treasure hunting, but you will want all of the new zones unlocked, and it’s much easier to hunt with flying unlocked.
How to find Timeworn Kumbhiraskin Maps in Endwalker
You can find Timeworn Kumbhiraskin Maps from level 90 gathering nodes in Ultima Thule. To decipher and dig for the maps, you’ll need to complete the quest “Treasure and Tribulations.” You can dig up one map every 18 hours.
Once you decipher the map, a little square of one of the five Endwalker zones will show up, with a red x marking the location of the treasure. (There are no dig spots in Elpis for these maps. There are, however, dig spots in Elpis if you use Ophiotauroskin maps.) You’ll need to dig near the x to find the treasure.
With luck, this will lead you and your party to a portal, putting you in the Excitatron 6000 dungeon. Sometimes you’ll dig up treasure but you won’t get to experience the fun of the Excitatron. Phooey.
Labyrinthos treasure map locations
Thavnair treasure map locations
Garlemald treasure map locations
Mare Lamentorium treasure map locations
Ultima Thule treasure map locations