We are saddened to learn that Babara Walters appears to be in the early stages of dementia. In addition to being a great broadcaster, Barbara Walters is also well-liked in New York social circles. She has lived her entire life in her New York apartment, displaying obvious symptoms of aging and getting hardly any visits.
The 93-year-old legend has started to forget things and get confused more frequently. sources with knowledge of the circumstances
Barbara is not interested in hosting visitors. She no longer interacts with the majority of ABC employees and now only sees a select handful who were once close to her.
How Barbara Walters planned her funeral and burial
She appears to be planning every aspect of her funeral ceremonies, including the location, the flowers, the music, and the attendees. Her life and career will be highlighted in a video package that has been created. She had meticulously planned, written, edited, and recorded every stage of her funeral.
She hadn’t been spotted in public since mid-2016. She had previously stopped welcoming guests, but now that she believes it might be their last opportunity to meet her, she has made it easier for them to enter.
Barbara feels that she has lived her life to the utmost and best of her ability and is fully prepared for death.
When she was 80 years old, she prepared for her funeral and burial. Considering that she was in her 1970s, she has fully produced numerous TV shows.
Rest Well, Barbara Walters!