I hope WWE gives this storyline a good length of time, but nothing over a year. The Authority storyline has been running rampant for going on 5 years and we’ve all grown tired of it. This is a branch of that same storyline, but emphasis is being put on Corbin’s character. It’s a rarity in that normally a member of the active roster doesn’t play the heel authority role.
The only gripe I’d have is if that star ends up being Roman Reigns or Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is who he is, a tested veteran and wouldn’t gain anything by beating Corbin in a match, although letting Corbin beat Angle would be a compelling statement made by the lone wolf. Roman Reigns doesn’t need it either, and something tells me the fans would boo him out of the arena as well. That said, Reigns would be another good candidate to put Corbin over and let the lone wolf rack up some high-profile bouts on the odd occasions where he does wrestle.
It’s a matter of debate how well the angle goes over and it depends mostly on the booking, and Corbin’s ability to play the role well. The focus should be on his ability to rub people the wrong way and suppress the success of any superstars he doesn’t like. His match quality wouldn’t have to be over the top either if he is kept out of the ring for the most part. If Corbin is able to build up the kind of heat that Vickie Guerrero was able to build during her time as GM, he’s done his job well. If Corbin remains seemingly bored and directionless, the angle may be axed as quickly as John Laurinitis’s stint as GM for both Raw and SmackDown. I speak for a good portion of the WWE Universe when I say I hope it goes well for Corbin.
Baron Corbin Finn Balor