Fame | Alexis Valds net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Alexis Valds? When is Alexis Valds's birthday? Where is Alexis Valds born? Where did Alexis Valds grow up from? What's Alexis Valds's age? Alexis Valds Born: August 16, 1963 (age 59years), Havana, Cuba

How old is Alexis Valdés? When is Alexis Valdés's birthday? Where is Alexis Valdés born? Where did Alexis Valdés grow up from? What's Alexis Valdés's age?

Alexis Valdés Born: August 16, 1963 (age 59years), Havana, Cuba

Is Alexis Valdés married? When did Alexis Valdés get married? Who's Alexis Valdés's married to? (Who's Alexis Valdés's husband / wife)?

Alexis Valdés Spouse: Paulina Glvez (m. 20072009)

Alexis Valdés Parents: Leonel Valdes, Caridad Gutirrez

Does Alexis Valdés have any children? What are the names of Alexis Valdés's children? What are the ages of Alexis Valdés's children?

Alexis Valdés Children: America Valds, Leonardo Valds

