Ben Affleck Proves He Maintained His Batman Physique in Ripped, Shirtless Selfie

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Ben Affleck may have made his final (final) appearance as Batman in the current blockbuster The Flash, but the Hollywood star appears to have maintained his superhero-worthy physique.

In a recent Father’s Day tribute, Affleck’s wife, Jennifer Lopez, shared a ripped selfie of the 50-year-old on Instagram, complete with a set of defined abs.

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‘Daddy Appreciation Post. Happy Father’s Day Papa,’ Lopez wrote on Instagram. ‘And Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Papas out there!! We love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know.’

The actor, who made his DC debut as Bruce Wayne in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016, turned to Hollywood trainer Magnus Lygdback to build a physique fit to represent Batman on the big screen for Justice League.

Speaking to Men's Health in 2019 about how he helped Affleck get jacked for the role, Lygdback said: 'Our goals to build Ben as Batman were to build, leg strength, stability. You know Batman's carrying around this heavy suit all day on set, so we needed Ben to have the support he needed to carry that suit [and] there's an element of martial arts in the movie that we also wanted to capture.'

In order to realistically portray Batman's fighting prowess, Affleck also focussed on martial arts-centric exercises to help him to move more like the superhero. 'Obviously there's an element of martial arts in the movie that we also wanted to capture.' he said.

Lygdback also shared one of Affleck's Batman workout routines.

The Batman Workout

Dumbbell Front Squat

4 sets of 12 reps


4 sets of 8 reps

Drop Sit

4 sets of 10 reps on each side

Squat to Kick

4 sets of 10 reps on each side

Lateral Hollow Rock

3 sets of 60 seconds each

