Well, the answer to these famous question is a definite yes! You have to wash all the clothes which the vapor or gas of the flea bomb into contact with during the course of spraying.Click to see full answer. Herein, how do you clean after a flea bomb? Winding up after flea fogging Wipe, clean and mop the floor, cupboards and cabinets, thoroughly to remove any strains of the flea fogger. Do not vacuum the carpets and curtains immediately as they are still a safe harbor for flea eggs or larvae escaping the process.Similarly, do you have to turn off refrigerator for flea bomb? 10 Flea Fogger Safety Warnings! Importantly, flea bombs must not be used on your pets and can cause sickness or death if they are exposed to the fumes! Electrical appliances (and lights) need to be turned off and covered as foggers are usually highly flammable! Only use a single flea bomb per room! Then, do flea bombs ruin clothes? Textiles. Wash your clothes, stuffed animals, bed linens, blankets, throws and any other fabrics that have been exposed to the flea bombs. Fleas and their eggs are able to survive on just about anything in your house. If your draperies are not able to go in the washer, take them to the cleaners or at least vacuum them.Do you have to wash sheets after bug bomb?Wash all your plates, glasses, silverware, and anything else that you use to eat with that may have been exposed to the insecticide. Also wash the sheets, bedspreads, and curtains to make sure that you don’t sleep in that junk.