Welcome to Scorpio Season! From October 22nd to November 21st, we celebrate the Scorpios in our lives —but the rest of us will be riding the wild emotional waves of the scorpion, too.
It's a time to embrace our deepest feels and desires — all of which have yet to be revealed to others and even ourselves. Scorpio season is also a time to bond and form alliances with those we care about and to cut out peeps who have proven to be a frenemy, rather than a supportive friend. Love and romance will take on a more intimate level, as connections will grow and soar to new heights and take us to the deep end of the ocean. The caveat is that grudges won't go away — unless both parties are willing to hash out issues and work on them. Trusting one's intuition is essential, so try to put more emphasis on gut feelings than logic — it's going to prove to be more accurate than anything else.
So far in Scorpio season, we've experienced a rare Blue Moon on Halloween and Mercury's direct movement in Libra on November 3rd (Election Day). But, the Mercury retroshade zone will last until November 19th (this occurs when Mercury retraces its steps from the planetary moonwalk). We have quite a few more challenging astrological aspects to crawl through during Scorpio season — some of which will rock our worlds for a while. Jupiter and Pluto align for the third time this year in Capricorn on November 12. (The last two times these planets connected was on April 5th and June 30th.) This is a date to watch for news surrounding the pandemic, as it's been a marker throughout the year for key COVID updates. Another key date: On November 15, we'll have a Scorpio new moon, offering us a moment to face our fears and transform our lives.
Actions and emotions speak louder than words during Scorpio season. Therefore, it's important to show how much we care by what we do. Words are meaningless and forgettable if nothing is done IRL to change — that's the Scorpio way!
Here, 15 Scorpio celebs born under the influence of this powerful, dynamic, emotional water sign.
Ryan Reynolds
The award-winning actor and producer was born on Oct. 23 in Vancouver, Canada.
Another famous Canadian Scorpio, the rap phenomenon was born in Toronto on Oct. 24.
Katy Perry
The singer and new mom celebrated another year on Oct. 25.
The R&B singer also celebrated her birthday on Oct. 25.
Julia Roberts
On Oct. 28, the Academy Award-winning actress was born in Smyrna, Georgia.
Gabrielle Union
The actress and businesswoman was born in Omaha, Nebraska on Oct. 29.
Matthew McConaughey
The American actor and producer was born on Nov. 4.
Kathy Griffin
The Emmy award-winning comedian was born on Nov. 4.
Kris Jenner
The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star and momager will celebrate another year on Nov. 5.
Alfre Woodard
The award-winning actress of stage and screen was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Nov. 8.
Tara Reid
The actress was born in Wycoff, NJ. on Nov. 8.
Demi Moore
On Nov. 11, the actress and director was born in Roswell, New Mexico.
Anne Hathaway
The actress and Brooklyn native was born on Nov. 12.
Ryan Gosling
Sharing a birthday with Hathaway, the award-winning actor's birthday is also Nov. 12.
Owen Wilson
The self-proclaimed "troublemaker" was born in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 18.