HBK pissed at Cena | WrestleZone Forums

This is precisely along the lines of what I'd figure would happen. The old timers don't always mind doing the job to the youngsters, but guys like Taker and HBK that have worked some damn fine matches in their careers (and not just with each other) hate having to hand the ball off to a

This is precisely along the lines of what I'd figure would happen. The old timers don't always mind doing the job to the youngsters, but guys like Taker and HBK that have worked some damn fine matches in their careers (and not just with each other) hate having to hand the ball off to a complete fluke that doesn't have the in-ring strength to carry a company (hence Batista losing the strap and not even being in the main event). HBK has every right to be pissed off. EVERYONE that watches wrestling knows about Wrestlemania and it doesn't matter how many rematches they have that go well, Wrestlemania is what everyone remembers. If the match sucks at the biggest event of the year (and the biggest in the industry itself) and you have to take part in it, knowing full well that there are a load of other guys in the company that could put on a better show with you, why would you show respect to that guy? Cena's no-sell was prototypical because he does not have the vocabulary or smarts to navigate a thirty minute encounter on his own. That's why they saddled him with Michaels. Cena just boned up and forgot the psychology of a lengthy match. He's only used to taking baby-steps in the ring. This is just what happens when they expect him to run when he hasn't even learned to walk properly. It's a prime result of WWE's "all flash, no substance" style these days. Everyone can thank Johnny Ace for finding all of this wonderful "talent."

